Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Cutest Thing Ever: Mini Caramel Apples

Over the weekend I found one of the most adorable food projects I have ever seen. It definitely deserves another “Cutest Thing Ever” post, so I asked Christy over at From Glitter to Gumdrops if I could share it with you. Take a look...

They are Mini Caramel Apples. You had me at mini, Christy! (In case you didn't know, adding the word “mini” to anything automatically ups the cuteness factor.) Christy has a great little tutorial for them posted on her blog.

I smile every time I see them. I can't wait to make some of these. Make sure you go over and check out some of the other great recipes and projects Christy has made. She just did an entire week of apple recipes. I want to try her Caramel Apple Cupcakes. And she also recently posted a tutorial for a cute back to school Post-It Note Holder.

Thanks, Christy, for letting me share. Want to see more "Cutest Thing Ever" posts? Click here. There will be another "Cutest Thing Ever" post the next time a project’s cuteness stops me in my tracks!

P.S. Christy gets extra cuteness points because we share a love of all things mini!


  1. Those are adorable. I can never eat a regular size caramal apple, but I certainly could manage one of those. Thanks for featuring this and introducing me to Christy!

  2. Thanks for visiting my BLog! Yeah Charlie cat is pretty hilarious!
    I simply must try those lil apples!
    Have a wonderful day!


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