Monday, October 25, 2010

Acorn Patch Pillow Giveaway Winner

Heather is the winner of the 100 Follower Acorn Patch Pillow giveaway!!! I've already heard from Heather, and she had this to say, "NO WAY!!!! Wow! I never win anything! Happy Dance!!!"

Congratulations, Heather! And a huge thank you to all of my followers, old and new. You guys keep me motivated and make this whole blogging experience worth it.


  1. Awww, congrats to Heather!!! I have to hit the sewing machine and make my own!!

  2. Bummer for the rest of us but score for Heather!!! Congrats!!

  3. Aw shucks! Congrats to the winner :)

  4. Congrats to the winner! I was sooo close :) You do beautiful work....the pillow was so cute!

  5. So sad I miss it! the pillow is divine!!
    THanks for stopping by and leaving a comment!
    Hope to see you around soon!

  6. Aww thanks everybody!!! Keep on entering these giveaways and you will one day too!!!


    ps..thanks again Gwen! You know how I love acorns!


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