Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Sadie Shirt Progress: So Far, So Good

As you know, I'm participating in the Sadie Shirt Sew-Along over at Craftiness is not Optional this week. This shirt is a lot of firsts for me. It's the first sew-along I've ever participated in, the first shirt I've ever sewn, the first time I've ever made a pattern from another article of clothing, and the first time I've ever gathered fabric. Day 1 and 2 are complete, and I have to say I'm pretty happy with where things stand right now. I only had two hiccups, and they really weren't all that bad.

Here's where things currently stand:

And here's a recap of how I got to this point...

Day 1: Pattern and Pieces
The first day involved creating a pattern from a shirt that you already have. This took me a long time because I was worried about getting it just right, but I think it will be much quicker in the future, and I'm definitely using this method again. I traced my shirt onto freezer paper and then cut out the pattern pieces. The other step for Day 1 was to cut out all of your fabric pieces. Here's the fabric my daughter helped me choose for her shirt:

This should have been a breeze, but it took me three tries to get the bottom piece for the front of the shirt cut out! The first try I completely forgot about and cut off my seam allowance. The second try my rotary cutter wandered off and cut my seam allowance in half part way through the cut. I finally got it right, and I was done with Day 1.

Day 2: Bodice and Placket
The second day's task was to create the placket and ruffles and add them to the bodice. Like I said, I've never gathered fabric before, but it was actually really easy, and I'm happy with the way the finished bodice turned out.

It's girly without being too girly. The final step for Day 2 was to attach the bottom of the front of the shirt to the bodice. Again, should have been a breeze, but I somehow managed to get my thumb stuck in my sewing machine. Yes, you read that correctly. Don't ask me how, it just happened. I didn't put the needle through it or anything, but I couldn't get my thumb out, and after what seemed like an eternity (but was all of three seconds of panic trying to think "OK, which button/knob is going to get me out of this without hurting myself any further?") I got my thumb out, cried for a minute, and finished the shirt. No damage done, just a purple dent in the side of my thumb. Who knew sewing a shirt could be so dangerous!

OK, I'm off to start Day 3! Wish me luck!


  1. One thing I always regret is not learning how to sew. Can't wait to see the finished product!

  2. Congrats! It's looking great. Way to stretch yourself.

  3. Oh the drama! ouch! how'd you get your thumb stuck? I sewed through the side of my finger once.. ouch! Glad it's going well for you-I CANNOT wait to see everyone's finished shirts!

  4. Sorry about the thumb incident. (and sorry if I giggled just a little- once I knew you weren't seriously injured) It's looking great. Thanks for letting me sew along vicariously through you!

  5. I love your fabric choice! And I'm glad it's going well...ish... so far. I'm glad your thumb is okay... that makes me laughing at the thought of myself in the same situation OK since all's well that ends well. :)

  6. The shirt looks great! I'd never would have guessed you didn't start with a pattern. I'm excited to see the finished piece.


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