Tuesday, January 25, 2011

A Call for Cushions!

Some of you may know my friend Carol from her blog Naturally Carol. Carol lives in Queensland, Australia. Fortunately, Carol and her family have been spared any harm from the waters of the Queensland floods. Unfortunately, tens of thousands of people must rebuild their lives after losing their homes, their businesses, their livelihoods... the lives they had built for themselves.

In response to the flooding in Carol's beloved Australia, she has put out A Call for Cushions. She is collecting handmade pillows for flood-affected people and families in Queensland. It may seem like a small thing, but when someone has lost everything, a piece of "home", a handmade gift, a small gesture can brighten even the darkest of days.

summertime front tweetcushion

photos: Naturally Carol

sunshine cushion

I have committed to sending two pillows to Carol. Please think before you say, "I don't have time right now." This doesn't have to happen "right now". It will be months before many people will have a place to call home again. If you can just commit to making one pillow in the next two to three months, imagine the little ray of sunshine that it will bring to a family, to help restart their lives.

Click here for all of the information.

Please put this on your to-do list. You will never regret it.


  1. I have a track record with cushions... So guess what: I'm in :)

  2. Thank you for putting out the call Gwen...I know every family will appreciate the work that people around the world will put into these cushions and remember that they are remembered! Feel free to pass my address on to those that need it..thanks again.

  3. Great idea! I'm headed over now to sign up!

  4. Hi Gwen, I am so glad your friend is ok-- sounds like she's a great person

  5. Love these pillows!

    Oh, and I wanted to let you know I gave you an award on my blog. You can check it out here:

  6. Hi gorgeous girlie,

    This sounds like a fantastic idea. I always want to try and help but never really now how. This si PERFECT. I know it's only a small token - but they can mean a lot when things go wrong.

    I'm going to pop over and have a look. Thank you so much for letting me know.


  7. What a wonderful ideas for a great cause!

  8. Great cause, I was not aware of this call out. I will definitely check this out.

  9. Thanks for sharing this info, Gwen. This is totally something I can do and I love being able to take action instead of just watching/reading the news and feeling sorry for everyone who is affected.


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