Monday, January 3, 2011

Hello 2011

Happy New Year! I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday season. I always get a little sad taking down the Christmas decorations. The house just feels so much warmer and cozier at Christmastime. But the beginning of the new year brings its own excitement… the promise of a fresh start and new beginnings. As excited as I am for the new year, I am having some major motivation issues. I haven’t sewn or crafted in over a week. Anyone else in a creative funk? Luckily, I have some handmade Christmas gifts to show you while I work on getting myself back in the swing of things.

Remember my ambitious handmade Christmas gift list? Well, I didn’t get through much of it. In fact, the only thing from the list that I actually got around to was a handful of I Spy Bags for my niece, nephew, and family friends. I used this tutorial from Jess at Craftiness is not Optional. The bags I made are about 6 inches square, and instead of sewing a list of items to the back, I took a picture of the items before I put them in, printed it out, and sewed it on the back…


I found this adorable tutorial for an eyeglass case. I decided I had to make one for my mother…


I have a new found love of stamping on fabric. Don’t be surprised if you see me use it a lot for a while.

I made this cute little zipper pouch for my mother-in-law…


I love the contrast of the linen and the dark cotton fabric. I’ve had those little buttons for about 15 years. I finally found a use for them.

I would also like to take this opportunity to thank my husband for a Christmas surprise. We don’t buy each other gifts for Christmas or birthdays, so you can imagine my surprise when I received this…


He said that this was one time when there was something that I actually really wanted, but he knew I’d never be able to justify buying one for myself. What a guy, huh? I’m a lucky girl.

I am loving this camera. This is one of my favorite shots I’ve taken with it…


I still need to read the manual and figure out how to use all the bells and whistles, but it has actually been pretty user-friendly so far.

A few loose ends to tie up as we enter the new year. Way back before Thanksgiving I mentioned that I won a giveaway and was awaiting the arrival of my winnings from Australia. It was well worth the wait. I didn’t get around to showing you what I won until now…



My winnings came from Naturally Carol. The apron wasn’t even part of the giveaway… she knew the bunting would be hung in one of my girls’ rooms, so she made the apron just for me and sent it along! What a sweetheart! If you have not visited Carol, you must. Not only is she super talented with a sewing machine, she has really unique ideas. And one of the big reasons I read Carol’s blog is to hear about life on the other side of the planet. She’s a hoot!

Also, April over at Cup of Delight passed the Stylish Blogger Award on to me a while back, and I just wanted to thank her for the honor. Go check out her blog, especially her travel adventures.

And one last thing… I reached a milestone over the holidays. I now have over 300 followers. I am in shock and am so appreciative of the support and encouragement that I get from all of you. A giveaway is in the works. More to come. Now maybe I can get motivated enough to go sew myself a camera strap cover.


  1. Don't be shocked about the followers - you have a fabulous blog and deserve it! And you're such a sweetheart to boot! :)

    Love all your goodies, and esp the camera. You're going to have so much fun!!!

    Happy New Year, Gwen!

  2. Congrats on the followers (not a surprise ;o), and what a fun Christmas gift! Looking forward to waht you make this day!

  3. Yay a new camera! Good job Gwen's hubby! So sweet to surprise you like that. Love all your sewing projects. Of course you made it to 300 followers! Congrats!

  4. Hi Gwen, just glad you liked the stuff I made! What a wonderful hubby! I'm impressed that he noticed what you you will be able to learn how to 'crop' and add a little 'brightness' or 'contrast' to your photos and you'll have the best lookin' blog in town!! Just a little stitchin' when you want to will feed that crafting bug just fine...give it a rest when you need to though...don't want to be burnt out. Look after yourself!

  5. Great camera! You are a lucky girl! I also made I-Spy bags for Christmas. I think that my husband and my adult friends play with them as much as my kids do!

  6. What fun projects! And a fun new toy! I didn't get through my Christmas project list either... which just means my New Year's list is already made! :)

  7. I'm in love with your camera! I would love to have one of those cameras someday... :) Congrats on your 300 followers! You deserve it!

  8. Woohoo! What a wonderful surprise. Can't wait to see your gorgeous new photos and projects.

  9. Which camera and lens did you get? I can see it's a Canon EOS but can't see, even with some serious squinting at the photo, see which model your lovely mister got you. What a star!! I got a camera for Christmas too - but it was the opposite of a surprise!! I chose it myself!!


  10. Happy New Year Gwen! Congrats on 300 followers! Can't wait to see what's in store in 2011 and the fab pics you'll take w/your new toy :)

  11. I totally hear ya about the "creative funk" as you called it! I'm using Christmas presents that I made last month as blog fodder until I get back into a creative mood...I think I just get overwhelmed with crafting during the holidays! I love the glasses case, by the way - I'm a sucker for ric-rac (spelling?).

  12. What a great post-- how are you enjoying the new camera? I think we might have the same one. LOVE that stuff you won... adorable! Now I'm off to read your post on mitering corners... always a challenge for me.
    Happy New Year! Malia

  13. I didn't make very much progress on all the handmade gifts I had planned either - I hate when that happens! Have fun playing with your new camera!

  14. Hi Gwen! I'm new here. I've seen your name around Blogland alot lately and decided to see what all I've been missing. I think I'll hang around for a while if you don't mind, get comfortable, become a follower. You know, just settle in for the duration. Love the new camera! Can't wait to see what you do with it!

    Happy New Year!

  15. Congrats on the new camera!! What a wonderful hubby you have.

  16. Did you tweak anything with the gingerbread house phot? Or is it just straight from your camera. It's agreat shot!

    I got a Canon 50D and I'm charging the battery right now. I haven't actually used it yet. I'm scared of breaking it!!

    But I'm very inspired by your gorgeous photo.

  17. Wonderful handmade gifts Gwen, love the colour combo on your MIL's zippered pouch.
    PS I think you are going to love that camera!!! I use a similar but slightly older model. These bloggers give very useful tips for using Canons I have found their photo tutes very helpful!

  18. Okay, this is my *third* comment on this post, I just realised!! *stalker alert*!!

    But I just thought you'd like to know that I often have your gingerbread house photo in my mind when I'm looking at my photos. It's like my standard for a good photo!!

    I love the bright colours and arty angle.



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