Thursday, February 10, 2011

Glass Bead Mosaic Tutorial with Jane of All Crafts

Hello there! I'm Andi from Jane of All Crafts. When Gwen asked if I'd like to do a guest post I jumped at the chance! Even though Gwen and I have never met IRL we have been blogging buddies since the start of our blogs. And not only is Gwen super crafty and creative she is also very sweet and funny too! Which I'm sure all of you already know! So thanks for having me Gwen and hi to all you other loyal followers of Gwenny Penny!!

As you can see from my blog name, I am a sucker for pretty much any craft.  I love trying new things and am adding to my 'to do someday' list daily.  I love to create things for my home and doing so inexpensively is a fun challenge for me. Today I am going to show you how to make a mosaic-like valentine decoration with items from the dollar store and target dollar spot!  And don't worry it's super easy, and super cute!

I'm going to show you how to take this...

and turn it into this...

I am so happy with the results! And the best part is that it only cost $3!!

I got my inspiration while sitting waiting for my daughter at the dentist.  I saw a picture of a project in Family Fun Magazine.

I loved the idea of using a frame and glass beads to make a mosaic.

Instead of colored beads I used scrapbook paper behind each bead to give them some color.  And I had planned to fill in the negative space around the heart with plain glass beads but preferred this look better. That's why I say it's mosaic-like :-)

My color choices were based on my already existing decor and my love of all things aqua :-)  I don't think you always have to go traditional when it comes to holiday decorating or any decorating for that matter.  You want to love what you put in your home.  So if you love neon orange and chartreuse I say go for it!!

Okay I've told you the why now for the how:

Supplies needed:

  • picture frame (I used a 5X7)
  • glass beads
  • scrapbook paper
  • hole punch or something small and round like a penny to trace around.
  • tacky glue
  • craft paint
  • 2 screw eyes
  • hot glue
  • ribbon

Step 1: Arrange your beads into a heart shape.
Step 2: Punch circles out of scrapbook paper.
Step 3: Glue circles right side up to the flat bottom of the beads.

Step 4:  Remove backing and glass from picture frame. Paint frame whatever color you'd like.  I used three different colors on my frame.  I went over it first with two coats of white.  Then I painted over that with a metallic pearl white.  Once that was dry I dry brushed the aqua all over.

 Step 5: Start gluing beads to glass from the picture frame.

Step 6: Once dry, place glass in frame and hot glue around inside edge.  *Note* I planned on doing this before putting on the beads but got ahead of myself.  It would probably make it easier when applying the hot glue.  

If you do it the way I did just make sure to suspend your frame while the glue dries so that the glass is flush in the frame.

 Mmmm...homemade hummus.  Oh. Sorry. ;-)

Step 7: Take your screw eyes and screw them into the top corners of your frame.

 Step 8: Attach ribbon by tying to each screw eye.

Step 9: Hang up and enjoy!

Another option is to back it with some fabric.  I had a scrap of burlap so I used that.  I didn't want anything that would take away from the heart.

You could still hang it up...

 Or display it on a table...

If you go the fabric route then you could skip step 6 and just use the back that came along with the frame to secure the fabric.

I really had fun with this project!  There are so many possibilities not only for Valentine's Day but other holidays and everyday decor as well.  I think this heart could stay up year round since it isn't very commercial looking, which I am not big on anyway.  I prefer understated but festive.  I hope this has inspired you to make your own glass bead mosaics!

Thanks again for having me!  And if you would like to see more crafts like this (and then some) please stop by my blog and be sure to say hello!


This is such an adorable idea. I especially like how it looks hanging in the window. So pretty! And such a simple and inexpensive project. Andi makes all kinds of great stuff over at Jane of All Crafts. She recently made this sweet mini Valentine topiary that I just love. Andi, thank you so much for guest posting and sharing your glass bead mosaic with us today!


  1. Lovely project Andi! I had no idea how these were made, putting the paper behind the glass bead is such a nice touch. I love how it looks in the window.

  2. I love it and the fact that it cost only $3 is awesome. I am adding it to my growing list of projects to make.

  3. This is really cute Andi!! I love it with the burlap on the back and the colors are great! Love it!

  4. that is so cute, andi!!! i love the heart shape take on it! and of course love the colors you used!

  5. Loving the window idea too! Hi Gwen..have a lovely week!!

  6. Thanks Ladies!! So happy that you guys like it! I'm actually going to be posting another project using the same idea in the next few days that I've been dying to share but had to wait until this post was up :-)

  7. andi its sooo cute! im such a knock off crafter. im going to the basement right now to make one = )

  8. So cute! And I love using scrapbook paper instead of trying to find the right color stones. Limitless possibilities!

  9. LOVE! I saw this post today and made one tonight. I had all of the materials on hand so this was a free project- and sentimental too since the glass beads came from the night my husband proposed to me- Feb 13 seven years ago!

  10. I love this project- and I'm glad to find your site through this featured post!
    Can't wait to look around some more!

  11. Oh simply lovely!
    Kindest Regards,
    Jennifer Ferrell


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