Monday, February 28, 2011

Vacation: Saint Martin

Two weeks ago I confessed that I had been away on vacation in the Caribbean for a week. I can't believe I've only been back for two weeks... it seems like ages ago now. I thought I'd share some photos from the trip. Someone asked if I brought my new camera with me... no, I didn't. Something about sand and traveling just didn't sit right with me when I thought about bringing it, so she stayed at home, and I brought my trusty little Panasonic point and shoot. Less to worry about and much more compact.

Back to the trip... We traveled to Saint Martin. For those of you who don't know, the island is divided by France and the Netherlands (the Dutch side is called Sint Maarten), but you can travel freely between the two sides. The only way you know that you are passing from one side of the island to the other is a little monument with some flags. We had visited Sint Maarten a few times on cruises, but we had never stayed on the island for an entire week nor had we ever visited the French side, where we stayed this time.

Gorgeous, huh? And the pictures don't even do it justice. I always feel so much better when we go to the Caribbean. My winter dry skin goes away, the winter blahs disappear, and I feel recharged and ready to battle those last few weeks of winter.

Here are some things found while combing the beaches...

fan coral
sea urchin
hermit crab
And while driving around the island...

I love the look of the little beach restaurants and bars...

And why don't we paint our homes in these lovely colors? Maybe they don't look as lovely in the cold, wet snow.

We visited a butterfly farm. Not only were the butterflies gorgeous, but the flowers were amazing as well.

The girls had a blast, although my youngest has decided that she is not a huge fan of sand just yet.

My oldest learned to fly a kite...

I really didn't want to leave. That week was the most relaxed I've been in ages (which was entirely due to the fact that my husband and in-laws (who were there with us) were all very concerned about me getting to relax and not having to tend to the girls every waking minute). I miss the fresh croissants and baguettes from the bakery every morning. I miss wearing flip flops and bathing suits all day. I miss not having a schedule to follow. I miss unplugging for an entire week... no computer, no cell phones. I miss my family just enjoying each other's company for an entire week without interruption. There's nothing quite like island time.

Hope you enjoyed the photos. Just looking through them again makes me anxious for warm weather to get here. Tomorrow is March 1st... fingers crossed it will be here soon!


  1. What a wonderful place to visit. So glad you had a relaxing vacation! I'm with you, and hoping Spring comes soon.

  2. I've been to Saint Martin a few times... love the island! Your pictures are awesome! Glad to hear you guys had a great time!

  3. Beautiful photos! So glad you enjoyed your time away!

  4. It looks like a wonderful cruise will be stopping there in August....can't wait! Hey, is that an Easter Island giant head sitting on a beach lounge chair? Too funny!

  5. Gorgeous. I am adding Saint Martin to my someday list!

  6. St. Maarten was our fave of all the Caribbean islands we've been to as well. Thanks for posting your great pics of your trip!

  7. It looks so great!... I always wonder about the house colours in other places as well. They do them up with such abandon. I wish I was so brave. I'd like a magenta and orange house please! Do you think the neighbours would mind, hee hee?

    It looks like you had a soothing vacation, Gwen. Good for you!!

  8. Wow, gorgeous! Your little point & shoot did a great job! I am so glad your husband understands the need for you to relax (wish mine did!). This makes me so anxious for warmer weather!

  9. wow gorgeous pics...I want to go there now too~! it looks amazing. :D glad you could relax!

  10. Wonderful photos Gwen, I was hoping you would share some. I have only been to the Dutch side on a cruise port-of-call, but it has always been on my list of spots to return to. It looks like you had perfect weather and it is so nice to vacation with your inlaws so that you can have some help! Vacationing with little ones can be {sometimes} not really a vacation - from the relaxation perspective!

  11. Oh my gosh...every photo is just beautiful. I think you should send those photos to the Saint Martin travel bureau for their advertising. Can we come with you next time!! LOL. That was a well deserved vacation, especially with all the snow we had this winter. I think the rain today washed a lot of it away. I hope March 1st means spring, but my husband just said Wednesday's night temp is going to be in the teens.

  12. Beautiful pictures; what a great getaway and a beautiful place! I definately would not want to come back to the cold and snow!

    I am glad you had a great time!!! :)


  13. It is so nice to see sand and surf...we just had more snow and brutally cold temperatures-for this time of year. Love the one of your daughter flying the kite..her shadow showed up so nicely.

    Thanks for sharing.

  14. que rico!!! excelente paseo. todo precioso, que buenas fotos

  15. Loove the pictures, and all the bright colors! I've never been to St. Martin, but it's on my list, for sure! You cemented that!

  16. Beautiful pictures Gwen! It looks like you had a wonderful and relaxing time. The sun & ocean always feels so good this time of year - when you can't stand Winter a second longer!

  17. Those pictures were so pretty, I almost felt warm :) So glad you had a good time and were able to relax and unwind.


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