Thursday, March 17, 2011

Spotlight On... Wee Inklings

I'm starting a new occasional feature today called "Spotlight On..." where I will be featuring a blog that I love that you may not know about. There are just so many talented people out there. I visit new blogs all the time and wonder why it took me so long to find them. This is a way for me to introduce you to some of those people. For my first "Spotlight On..." feature I have chosen LeAnne over at Wee Inklings.

I hoard love paper, but I'm not much of a paper crafter. I see all these beautiful cards that people make and wish that I was talented enough to come up with some of their amazing designs. One of these super talented and amazing paper crafters is LeAnne over at Wee Inklings. I am constantly in awe of the amazing cards that she puts together. When LeAnne emailed me to tell me that she had made a card that was inspired by my blog header, I was so excited because I know just how beautiful her work is. Check this out...

I can't get over the vibrancy of the colors and the look of the thread wrapped around each spool. She stamped each spool and then colored each individual spool using markers and added highlights with a blender pen. A-mazing! Check out her post about this card, and make sure you read the color names of the markers... so fun!

All of LeAnne's cards are just gorgeous. You have to see this one...

This is probably my favorite that she has made. I love all the layers. And LeAnne watercolored the woman's hair, dress, and blush... serious attention to detail here! You can check out the info on this card here.

One of my other favorite cards that LeAnne has created is this...

How cute is that? You can check out her post on this card here.

Thank you so much, LeAnne, for being my very first "Spotlight On..." feature. Please go visit LeAnne over at Wee Inklings and get inspired by her incredible work.


  1. I admire her talent! Goodness, she makes lovely things.

  2. what a great idea! She has a great site & beautiful things! thanks.

  3. Wow! I totally recognized your header in her spools of thread card before I read the details. I wish I had some sort of artistic talent - but, alas, I just hoard paper and rarely ever make anything out of it!

  4. Gwen, you have MADE MY DAY!!! What a lovely, thoughtful idea to spotlight someone each day and I am blushing Regal Rose to think that I was your first!!! Thank you so much, and thanks to your readers for their kind comments! I can't wait to see who you spotlight next! BTW, I hoard fabric as well as paper----and I am glad to see that you actually DO something with your fabric! Your ideas are always fun to see, creative and out-of-the-box!!!

  5. Wow she IS amazing with stamps! I'm like you- so envious of people who can come up with things like that!

  6. LeAnne was RIGHT! {Your blog banner is making me DROOL!} I am a HUGE fan of the LOVELY LeAnne and ALL of her tremendous crafty output - so I just had to come over and see YOUR beautiful blog! {Yep! CHECK!} Very fun stuff around here! Thanks for featuring one of my daily blog destinations: Madame LeAnne! Yipeeee! Have a MOST happy St. Patty's Day!

  7. I think that LeAnne is one of the most talented stampers around. Thanks for featuring her on your blog so that even more folks can see what a creative genius she is. ~chris

  8. Wow, wow, WOW! Her work is amazing. And her patience must be even more so because that is a lot of detail and work for a card, even a fantastic card like hers. :)

  9. Woo hoo! You couldn't have picked a more talented or sweeter person than LeAnne! She's an amazing artist and a great friend! Thanks for showcasing her talent!

  10. LeAnne is my favorite of all. You picked some of my favorite too.

  11. Don't let LeAnne tell you she can't color either! Just look at those spools! :) You couldn't have picked a sweeter or more talented lady for your Spotlight! Woohoo for you, LeAnne!

  12. LeAnne sent me and I'm so glad she did. Your blog is terific. Thanks for sharing.

  13. LeAnne is one of my favourites ~ so wonderful that you honoured her ~ and I'm so glad she sent me your way! TFS

  14. That card is gorgeous! Great new feature Gwen:)

  15. A great's wonderful to hear of what other people are creating and their interpretation of their craft. Thank you Gwen!


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