Friday, March 11, 2011

Wanna Sew Along?

A couple days ago I read over at Fashioned by Meg that Liesl Gibson (the creator of Oliver + S) has just released a new line of patterns for women called Lisette. They are part of the Simplicity line. She has also designed a line of fabric for Jo-Ann under the same name. I was immediately interested because her Oliver + S children's patterns are so darn cute!

Well, Chris over at Pickup Some Creativity has suggested a sew along using the Lisette Portfolio dress pattern, and I have decided that I'm in. It's high time I sewed something for myself!

So the question is... who else is interested? It wouldn't be until mid to late April, so you'd have plenty of time to prepare and make a little room in your schedule. Sew alongs are great because you do a little bit each day and have lots of support and motivation from the people sewing with you. If you are interested, all Simplicity patterns are on sale for $1.99 at Jo-Ann through tomorrow, Saturday, March 12th, so you might want to run over and pick one up now (these things regularly retail for $17.95 each!). Who doesn't need a new dress for spring? Come on, you know you want to:)


  1. Oh, I would love to be in. But apart from the fact that I never seem to have enough time ... there is no JoAnn around here. :-( I live in Germany - and to get the pattern I would probably end up paying ALOT. :-(

    But am looking forward to seeing your version! Have heard alot of good stuff about the kids patterns. (But could not try them myself either as these also are not as easily available here.)

    Ms Muffin

  2. Sounds like fun- the tunic looking dress would make a cute beach cover up! I think I might need to make a trip over to JoAnns!

  3. Oh my do I love these patterns and fabrics! Thank you for posting about them I had no idea they were available! Now if only I wasn't scared to death of sewing clothes!!!!

  4. LOVE these patterns! Now let's see if I can find some room in my schedule...

  5. Wow...seems like something I sewed in the late 60's...flattering for lots of sizes.

  6. Oh how fun! I am terrible at sew-alongs, though... I am terrible at doing anything on any schedule, even a schedule of my own making. I'm excited to see your dress, though!

  7. What a great deal & reason to sew that gorgeous dress!! Thrilled to find this blog, i'm follower 555, sounds great doesn't it?? Love Posie

  8. I would love to but I am a beginner. My sweet husband just bought me my very first sewing machine for my birthday. I am excited to learn how to use it, but don't think I'm ready yet for clothes!

  9. Thanks for the heads up on the patterns, I'm heading over there tomorrow to pick up a couple. I'm not very reliable with sew alongs, but I would definitely read along.

  10. ooo gwen I'm definitely going to check this out!

  11. Ahhhh! That is so cute! And for that price, I am going to go to Joannes tommorrow!

  12. Thanks for the encouragement Gwen... I had seen Chris's post about the dress but unfortunately I have so many things on my plate right now! One day... One day I'll find the time to do a sew-along... they look like fun!

  13. I'll do it! I am headed to JoAnn this afternoon to look for the pattern!

  14. I'd like to join in making sure the schedule is open of course. I'll have to wait for the next Simplicity sale at JoAnn to get the pattern and then I have to decide on fabric etc. Sounds like fun!

  15. That sounds like a complete bargain and I'm wondering if I'd still make a saving if I included the price of my plane ticket!!!

    I can't wait to see yours, Gwen. You know I love your projects.


  16. If I can get the pattern in time (sometimes they are not available in my parts), consider me in!!!

  17. My husband gave me a sewing mini class the other day but I don't think I'm ready for clothes yet. LOL But I can't wait to see your finished projects!

  18. I'm very new to sewing (and relatively new to your blog), but this looks like a challenge I'm willing to do. I love it as a tunic: it fits all the criteria I hold for my typically modest dressing. I'm game (granted I can find the pattern at the local Joann).

  19. My friend KJ convinced me to join in. Just bought the pattern. Who knew it was available in Canada!

  20. I am scared to try this J. No seriously I'd love to but I am not sure my skill-set is up to snuff.. can't wait to see yours though!

  21. i would but I cant stand simplicity lately. If this was a vogue id do it :)


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