Monday, April 4, 2011

A Giveaway (CLOSED) and Blogging Tips with Simply Klassic

Some of you may remember that my blog got a little makeover back in January. My friend Kristin had just started Simply Klassic Custom Blog Design, and she did a fantastic job classing up my blog. I went from this...

... to my much more professional looking current blog design that you see now, which I absolutely love. Click here to check out Kristin's full list of services and prices (which she recently revised), including a huge à la carte menu of design services. Also, you can view her full design portfolio here.

For those of you who don't know Kristin, she started her first blog Betty Crocker Wannabe just over a year ago as a place to share recipes. Her blog soon became a clutter of different topics, so a few months ago she decided to start a new blog, A Simply Klassic Home, that she could devote to her home and her journey to finding and defining her decorating style. It was also around this time that she decided to start her blog design business, Simply Klassic Custom Blog Design. In the midst of all of these changes, there have been some huge changes going on in Kristin's personal life. Kristin adopted her three-year-old son in 2007. Just mere weeks ago she found out that her son has a two-year-old sister, and Kristin was asked to bring her into their home with the intention of adopting her. A decision was made, and Kristin has been spending the last few weeks getting used to being the mother of two little ones. Kristin is an amazing, kind-hearted, extremely talented individual, and I am so excited to announce that starting today, right here on Gwenny Penny, Kristin will be guest posting a weekly series on blog etiquette and design tips! And make sure you stick around because there's an awesome giveaway at the end of this post! This giveaway is now CLOSED. Thanks for entering!

Take it away, Kristin...


Hey everyone, I'm Kristin from and A Simply Klassic Home and Simply Klassic Custom Blog Design. I am so excited to be here guest posting at Gwenny Penny! Gwen has been such a great blogging friend and I'm excited for the opportunity for us to work together!

I recently expanded my blog design business, designing for Etsy shops, and added print designs like business cards to my services. If you're ready for a new design, please stop by and visit Simply Klassic Design. I'd love to work with you!

Today's topic: How to... Place a link in your comment.

Have you ever wanted to add a link when you are leaving a comment on a blog? You just need to know a little bit of html code:

<a href="">Gwenny Penny</a>

The code you need is in red, the blog url is in purple, and the title is in blue.

When you post your comment, the site address will appear as a link, like this:

It's that easy!

Quick tip - Don't want to have to remember all that code? Bookmark this page and come back when you need it!

I'll be back next week with another great blogging tip!

Thanks Gwen!!!


Did you guys know how to do that? I had no idea you could link like that in a comment. Kristin will be back next Tuesday with another great blogging tip. In the meantime, I have an awesome giveaway for you today. Would you like the opportunity to spruce up your blog or Etsy shop? Would you like to win a $50 credit toward design services at Simply Klassic Custom Blog Design? Cause that's exactly what we are giving away today!

OK, here's the lowdown on the giveaway. You each have up to four chances to enter. Leave one comment for each entry.
  1. Follow Gwenny Penny publicly via Google Friend Connect.
  2. Follow A Simply Klassic Home publicly via Google Friend Connect.
  3. Follow Simply Klassic Custom Blog Design publicly via Google Friend Connect.
  4. Post about this giveaway on your blog (include a link to the giveaway in your post).
Remember, please leave one comment for each entry. Make sure you leave an email address if your email is not linked to your Blogger profile. The giveaway will end on Monday, April 11, 2011 at 7:00am (EST). I will use a random number generator to determine the winner by comment number. The winner will be announced on Tuesday, April 12, 2011 in the next "Blogging Tips with Simply Klassic" guest post.

This giveaway is now CLOSED. Thanks for entering!

Good luck everyone!

Keeping It Simple


  1. Great giveaway! I'm a happy follower of your blog through GFC! :0)

    framefanaticblog [at] yahoo [dot] com

  2. I'm now a follower of A Simply Klassic Home blog through GFC!

    framefanaticblog [at] yahoo [dot] com

  3. I'm now a follower of Simply Klassic Blog Design through GFC!

    framefanaticblog [at] yahoo [dot] com

  4. Just posted about this giveaway:

    framefanaticblog [at] yahoo [dot] com

  5. Thanks for the nice comment on my blog today. Love your blog layout -- it's fabulous.

    The tip was great too! It's bookmarked!

  6. Am a follower of Gwen's blog. I'm excited to see your tips!

  7. I'm a follower of Gwenny Penny. :)

  8. That is great! Looking forward to learning some new blogging stuff :)

  9. I am also a follower! What a great giveaway and I look forward to this weekly feature. I can always use that kind of expert advice!

  10. I am a follower of A Simply Klassic Home and I just did the new tip on the last comment:) Super cool!

  11. I am a follower of Simply Klassic Custom Blog Design and I could use her help, so you better pick me:)

  12. Great new header and page headers. And I had no idea about the links in comments. XOL

  13. I remember first finding out about that tip and wanting to leave a link on every comment I left....just cos I could!!!

    This sounds like an awesome series...can't wait for the next one!!


  14. I'm a follower of your blog via GFC. Going to check out Simply Klassic now...

  15. I follow, AND as a bonus I love your blog design. :O)

  16. I'm a follower! Love this giveaway!
    I'll be looking forward to Kristin's weekly blog tips!

  17. I'm a follower of A Simple Classic Home

  18. I'm a follower of Simply Klassic Custom Blog Design

  19. I'm following you on Google friend connect. Just found your blog this week. Love it!

  20. I am now following A Simply Klassic Home.

  21. And... voila, I am now following the Simply Klassic blog page, too! My email is stajahnke at gmail dot com, in case it isn't in my blogger profile. I should check that out!

  22. I follow google connect "anash"
    Thank you kindly.
    anashct [at] yahoo [dot] com

  23. I follow them google connect "anash"
    Thank you kindly.
    anashct [at] yahoo [dot] com

  24. I follow them google connect "anash"
    Thank you kindly.
    anashct [at] yahoo [dot] com


  25. I blogged your giveaway:
    anashct [at] yahoo [dot] com

  26. How did I miss this? I really want to win! I am following you already.

  27. Following Simply Klassic Design.
    PS I think it's amazing that she adopted 2 kids! What a blessing that those kids won't have to be seperated!

  28. Great post. I decided to try out the link hint. I pasted my link HTML into a text document on my desktop so I can grab it whenever. I hope it works.

    Weekend Wisdom

  29. Following SKH Blog Design....I may even get some help if I don't win!!!

  30. Im a new follower of Simply klassic home.

  31. Aw, crap I tried to remove my previous post because I didn't do the link right and now it looks like a double entry! Sorry about that! I was trying to say I blogged about your giveaway here. Ironic that I messed that up in the tutorial for linking in a comment, eh? D'oh!

  32. Folower of simply klassic home
    Greastest show on earth

  33. Follow Gwenny Penny
    Greastest show on earth

  34. I'm a new follower! I'm so glad I hopped over here! Love your site!

    See what I learned!
    Lotte Lu and Brother Too

  35. Will surely follow a great blog such as this!


Note: Only a member of this blog may post a comment.