Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Patchwork Camera Strap - It's My Party Day 2

Welcome to the second day of It’s My Party and I’ll Craft if I Want To!

All week Amy (from Ameroonie Designs) and I are celebrating our birthdays by making things just for us and just for fun. Yesterday I shared my 241 tote bag. Today I’m sharing my new camera strap cover....

I've been wanting to make one of these ever since my husband bought me a new camera for Christmas. This week was the perfect opportunity to finally make one for myself.

I followed Vanessa’s tutorial over at LBG Studio. I chose this tutorial because it has a lens cap pocket, which is really handy, and also because she made a patchwork version that I really like.

I’ve been using the new strap cover for a couple of weeks now, and I really love it. I love the fabric/color combination... it was a happy accident that I ended up going with these three fabrics and the linen. The strap is nice and wide and cushioned (with fusible fleece). It’s so comfortable.

This was a really great tutorial to follow, and it's a quick sew (even faster if you use one fabric for the outside instead of going with patchwork). My sister caught a glimpse of it over the weekend, and I've been roped into making commissioned to make one for her. This tutorial is definitely going on my gift making list.

Make sure you click over to Ameroonie Designs to see Amy’s second project for the week, her awesome birthday banner

And make sure you stick around all week for more projects and the fabulous giveaway on both of our blogs on Friday. Thanks for stopping by today!


I’m linking up…

Get Your Craft On Tuesday Photobucket Fresh Poppy Design


  1. The strap is pretty~ It also looks comfortable~

    Love the birthday banner. I did that for several birthdays but used their names. So useful and festive~

  2. Thanks for sharing - I was thinking about making a camera strap, and I definitely love the pocket for the lense!

  3. So cute Gwen! I really do like the patchwork on the strap. If I ever get a big girl camera- I know where to go. :)

  4. I am definately going to make one of these camera straps for myself and I'm with you the BEST part is the lens cover hold. I have aready lost 2 lens covers and am ALWAYS misplacing the ones I haven't lost! This will be perfect!! Oh and I'm a new follower too (hopped over from Ameroonie Designs).

  5. Gwen, I love it! I love when I find a way to bring little scraps of fabric I love into my everyday life. And carting around my camera is definitely part of my everyday life. Might have to give this one a try!

  6. Love the linnen you used with the other fabrics. After I looked at the tutorial, I figured out how it worked. Very clever!

  7. That's a great pattern and so cool that it has that lens cap holder in there. Looks so comfy around the neck too. I could use one of those big time!

  8. I really love the fabrics and the lens cap holder is genius! And that banner that Amy made is so great!!

  9. Simple project with great rewards I bet!! Love it:>)

  10. 1. I love this, and have been wanting one of my own.


  11. So so cute! What a great idea, I have a ton of scraps in my scrap bag that I could use for this. Perfect way to use some of them

  12. I love the fabrics! And thanks for the link -- I keep thinking I should make one of these for my friend to match the camera bag I made her, and I ONLY have scraps left. Perfect!

  13. I love this strap!! I also love the contrasting fabrics you used. I'm stopping by from "Fabric Tuesday Quiltstory" linky party.

    I posted a wool coat I just finished. come on by my blog when you have a moment: http://craftybrooklynarmywife.blogspot.com/2011/05/wool-buffalo-check-coat-finished.html

  14. I recently took a photography class and really want to get better with my camera and thought I was going to find an adorable strap cover on Etsy.. but maybe you just motivated me to make my own!
    Adorable love it....

    Pamela @ pbjstories.blogspot.com

  15. Love the camera strap cover!! Thanks for linking @'Sew Cute Tuesday'!

  16. I need to make myself one of these! I love the colors you did Gwen:) Looks amazing!
    Happy Birthday!!!

  17. o my heck i love this...looks great

  18. Wow SO CUTE! I need to make one of these. I especially love the idea of a lenscap cover. Hmmmmm maybe time for a fabric shopping trip!

    Deviantly Domesticated Team

  19. Ooo your strap turned out really wonderful! love the fabrics you chose. I think it's so cool it has a pocket for the lens cap! Thanks for sharing the tutorial, I bookmarked it!

  20. It turned out beautiful Gwen. You will get so much use out of this!

  21. Dear Gwen:
    1)This rocks
    2)Please make more
    3)and sell them!

  22. GREAT camera strap. I agree you should sell them!!

  23. I really need to make one of these strap covers! I love your color combination too!


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