Monday, May 16, 2011

Thirty Five

"The man who views the world at 50 the same as he did at 20 has wasted 30 years of his life."
-Muhammad Ali

Yesterday was my 35th birthday. Up until my actual birthday, this one was bothering me for some reason. I was OK with thirty, but thirty five? For some reason I was having a tough time with it in the weeks leading up to the actual day. I woke up yesterday morning, looked in the mirror, and without thinking about it at all "You're thirty five" came out of my mouth and a big smile spread across my face. Right then I knew I was going to be OK. I'm happy with where I am in my life right now. I'm not always comfortable in my own skin, but I'm slowly getting there. I'm learning to get over old fears. I think I feel more "grown up" than I ever have.

I spent my birthday at my cousin's wedding in Vermont, and it was one of the best times I have had in a very long time. The girls spent the night at my in-laws', and my husband and I danced until midnight, as did my sister, my brother, and several extended family members. It was a fantastic time and I couldn't think of a better way to have spent my birthday.

Don't forget that It's My Party and I'll Craft if I Want To starts first thing Monday morning. Amy and I will be celebrating our birthdays all week long. The week will wrap up with an amazing giveaway on each of our blogs, so make sure you come back and join in the fun.


  1. Aww Happy Birthday Gwen!!! I have a feeling I'm going to be dealing with the same feelings next year. So glad you had a great time on your birthday, and can't wait to see what you crafted for yourself!!!

  2. Happy Birthday Gwen!! One of our Pastors at church said something that made me think on Sunday..he was calling a 40 year old a young thing..he's 60..and said we are all young in God's sight. I think he's right! If you're living on this planet you are very young still..even if you're 80! When you think of it from God's point of view there ain't that much between us all..isn't it Amazing Grace that has the line..'when we've been here ten thousand years...". I wish you all the happiness in the world for your 35th young!!!!

  3. Happy Birthday Gwen! It sounds like you had a wonderful time!!

  4. Happy Birthday, Gwenn! Sounds like you had a wonderful day!

    35 is nothing...I turned 40 in Dec. It was hard for me, like you I thought 35 was tough. I finally decided that there is not much I can do, but embrace it and I am only as old as I feel!

    Take care!!! Jodi

  5. Happy Birthday! I hit 35 in April and it feels much better than I thought it would. :)

  6. happy belated b-day, you don't look a day over 18!

  7. Happy birthday! I'm glad you had a great time.

  8. Hi Gwen - Happy Birthday! It sounds like you really enjoyed your day. I am feeling the same way about 35. 30 - 34 wasn't too bad but something about 35 doesn't sound right to me! Glad you came to terms with 35 - I hope I do too!

  9. Happy birthday! I'm coming up on that particular number, too, and it makes me nervous!

  10. Oh my...I'm so sorry I missed your birthday!! Happy belated birthday! I'm so glad you got to enjoy it way past your bedtime!! :)


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