Monday, June 27, 2011

Giveaway and Review: The Key to Taking Pictures E-Book (CLOSED)

This past Christmas my husband surprised me with a DSLR camera. I have been using it and loving it - I even made a cute strap cover for it - but I have had no idea what I am doing. There are all these buttons and dials... I was really intimidated by my camera, so I just left it in auto mode, which totally defeats the purpose of having a fancy camera, right?

I recently decided that it was time I learned a little about my camera, photography, and taking better pictures. I started looking for information online and came across the Katie Evans Photography blog. Her photos are stunning, and she has a really informative post on capturing great blog photos. I noticed in her sidebar that she recently published an e-book titled The Key to Taking Pictures Like a Professional Photographer. I read through the information about the e-book and emailed Katie to tell her how excited I was to check it out. Well, Katie was kind enough to send me a copy of the e-book and generously offered to giveaway a copy here on my blog (more on that below). Thanks, Katie!

This e-book is all kinds of awesome. It is 65 pages of valuable information, and my confidence has skyrocketed after reading this book. I mentioned a week or so ago that I had purchased a new camera lens. This is after having read Katie's book and recommendations. I bought a Canon 50mm f/1.8 lens, which means that I can open the aperture way up and get awesome bokeh (blur) in the background of my photos. I love this lens. I took a bunch of notes while reading the e-book and brought them outside with my camera, my new lens, and my girls and started practicing. I practiced taking action shots, portraits, shots with backlighting. I haven't used auto mode on my camera since. Now I can take awesome shots of my girls like this...

I actually understand ISO and aperture (f-stop) and shutter speed. I understand how they work together to properly expose a photo. I know what I need to do to stop motion in a photo or blur motion to show movement. I know how to set up a shot to get the best possible picture, how to take a picture indoors (and with a flash when necessary), and how to properly edit my pictures. And this is all thanks to Katie and her e-book.

Have I said enough to convince you that this book is fantastic, cause I could go on :) Here are a few sample pages from the e-book...
Would you like the chance to win a free copy of Katie's e-book The Key to Taking Pictures Like a Professional Photographer? Of course you would! Here's the lowdown...

This giveaway is now CLOSED.

Mandatory entry:
  • You must be a follower of Gwenny Penny via Google Friend Connect in order to enter. If you are a follower, leave one comment on this post telling me that you are.

Extra entries:
  1. Become a follower of Katie's blog. Leave another comment on this post telling me that you follow Katie's blog.
  2. Like Katie Evans Photography on Facebook. Leave another comment on this post telling me that you liked Katie on Facebook.
This giveaway is open to anyone with an email address, so make sure you either leave an email address in your comment or that your email is attached to your Blogger profile. This giveaway will be open until 11:59pm (EST) on Friday, July 1st. The winner will be chosen using a random number generator. I will notify the winner via email, and they will have until Wednesday, July 6th at 7:00am (EST) to respond before I choose another winner. Thanks for entering, and good luck!

One more awesome thing to share... if you don't win the giveaway you can purchase the book at a $2 discount for the next two weeks (ends Friday July 8th)! Just enter "GWENNYPENNY" at checkout. Click HERE to purchase The Key to Taking Pictures Like a Professional Photographer.

In the interest of full disclosure, I was given this e-book for free, but my opinions about this book and my rave review are all my own.


  1. I'm a follower of yours and bought myself a DSLR for Mother's Day...I'm not down with hinting. I'm taking baby steps away from auto mode and could really use some help. Thanks for the chance.

  2. Oh this is just what I was looking for. I bought a 2nd hand DSLR at Christmas time and I'm still trying to get to grips with it so this would be ideal :)

    I'm a follower on google connect now.

  3. I follow your blog! Please pick me! :-)

  4. Hey Gwen! I'm a follower, of course. I'd so love to win this. I've had a Nikon DSLR for three years and seriously still need help. Sad, eh?!

  5. I'm a follower of yours already! :)

  6. I'm now following Katie's blog.

  7. And now I like Katie's facebook page! :)

  8. I am a Gwenny Penny follower and I think this book would be a great addition to my how-to library. Thanks for the great giveaway Gwen!

  9. Oh yay! I am a follower and the husband just gave me a dslr for our anniversary. Im still a bit puzzled and this book would be fantastic!

  10. and I follow Katie now. Thanks for the heads up on such a great blog!

  11. I'm a follower! And I'd love this!! Thanks for the opportunity!!

  12. I'm a follower! My Dad gave me his "old" (only 2 yrs) DSLR when he decided to upgrade to the latest and greatest. I am ashamed to admit it is still sitting in the shipping box as I am totally intimidated to use it but I want to learn! Thanks for the chance!

  13. I am a follower now. I would love to know what I'm doing with my DSLR! Reading the manual it came with has not helped me!

  14. I am a follower! I'm also currently saving up cash for my first DSLR and this book would be perfect!

  15. I am now happily following Katie's blog.

  16. I am a follower and I really need this book-- I'm one of those 'keep my camera on Auto folks' GASP!

  17. I'm a follower! :))

    Would love to have this since i just inherited a new to me Canon DSLR 30D. Need to learn more!!!

  18. Hi Gwen! You know I am a follwer :D This looks like a great book, would love to win it!

  19. I am a follower of Katie's blog too. kristin

  20. Hi, I'm a follower on Google friend connect!

  21. I also liked Katie Evans Photography on facebook!

  22. I follow your site through email, but I also added you to my Google Friend alert thingie :)

  23. I also started following Katie's blog--love the mix of technical info and DIY craft stuff too

  24. I'm now a follower of Katie's blog too.

  25. I've also liked Katie's facebook page too, now just keeping my fingers crossed :)

  26. What a great book! Just looking at it even... it LOOKS great. :)

    I don't have a fancy camera... and probably never will... but my SIL does so I could either share with her or just be nerdy me and read it myself ;)

    (I'm a follower)

  27. This book is exactly what I need, thanks so much for reviewing it! I'm already a follower of your blog :)

  28. I'm now a follower of Katie's blog :)

  29. I've been following your blog for awhile and I love it! I would love to have this book and learn how to take better pictures!

  30. I signed up to follow Katie's blog too!

  31. I am a follower via GFC! Would love to win this e book. Love the shot of your girls!


  32. I'm a follower. Maybe having this book will help me with my little point and shoot. One can only hope, right?

  33. I'm a follower! Oooh, what fun! I'm super rusty on my photo skills and this would be great for more than just a brush up!

  34. Just signed up to follow Katie's blog. Pick me, ooh pick me! ;)

  35. I liked her on facebook. She's a wonderfully talented photographer!!

  36. I am a follower- I would love to win this book- really struggling with my camera too. It is so intimidating!

  37. I have been your follower for forever! I would love to read Katie's book. The photo of your two kids in the grass is georgeous.

  38. I'm a follower .. and i certainly could use this book. I went out of auto but i have to take dozens of pics for a good one

  39. I'm a Follower. I'd love to win this book as it will really help me with my photo-taking skills. I'm a beginner and am actually looking forward to buying my first DSLR soon.

  40. I'm a Follower of Kathy's blog too.

  41. I've "liked" Katie on Facebook as well.

  42. I'm your new follower,just in time for the giveaway..YIPPEE!!

  43. I'm also following Katie,This book would be great for my son as he's studying photography at high school..xx

  44. I'm a follower. I'd love to win this book.

  45. I'm now a follower of Katie's blog.

  46. I'm a follower. I need all the help I can get working out how to use my camera!

  47. I"m a follower...please help me!?!?


  48. I"m now a GFC follower of Katie's (s. greiner)


  49. I'm a follower of your blog via GFC. Looove your blog!

  50. I'm now a follower of Katie's blog via GFC.
    I'm a follower of your blog via GFC. Looove your blog!

  51. I liked Katie on facebook.

  52. already a gleeful follower of gweny penny!

  53. I am happily a follower...this is one of my favorite blogs!!

  54. I am a follower of Gwenny Penny via Google Friend Connect :)

  55. I like Katie Evans Photography on Facebook!

  56. Dear Gwenny Penny,

    I am a follower (through friend connect).

    Thanks for putting on this give-away!

  57. I 'liked' Katie Evans Photography on Facebook.

    johanna (dot) owen (at) gmail (dot) com

  58. I am a blog follower via google reader! Great giveaway!

  59. This is right up my alley! I got my Rebel a few months ago (love it) and I could totally use some pointers to take my pictures to the next level. I follow you of course :)


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