Tuesday, August 9, 2011

One Year Ago Today...

... I started this blog of mine. I had spent several weeks going back and forth about whether or not I wanted to start a blog. I remember how afraid I was to publish my first post. I remember how excited I was to get my first follower (thanks, Andi :). Everything was new and exciting, and I instantly fell in love with the creative community that exists out there.

It all started with this.

Then I remember how burnt out I got around Christmastime, and how it took me a solid two months to bounce back and start creating again. I've been very cautious about not letting that happen since then. It's a constant struggle and balancing act that I have yet to master, but I'm working on it. Aren't we all?

Then I was on a printables kick.

In my very first blog post I said, "I am hopeful that this blog will help make my own well-being a higher priority in my life. In other words, I am hopeful that it will motivate me to take a little time for myself every week to do what I love to do and miss doing. I love to make and create, and I’m looking forwarding to sharing that with my readers. I am also really excited to connect with other crafty people/moms like me out there." Well, I did more sewing and crafting in the past year than I probably did in my entire life, and I have met some amazing people who share my love of sewing and crafting. Little did I know that all of this would come at the expense of a clean house, but I think I can live with that :)

Some of my first tutorials.

When I look back at everything I have made this year, I am amazed at how far I have come. I have learned so much from so many different bloggers, and I can't even begin to thank everyone who shares their knowledge and creativity with others. There is a wealth of information out there, and people are more than willing to help and to teach you what they know. It's unbelievable, and I consider it a blessing to have found a home in this community.

Later on, still finding my way...

This past year has been a big experiment for me. I tried lots of different things. Some I liked doing, others I didn't. I think that blogging has really helped me figure out who I am as a creative person, or at least what direction I want to go in and what I like doing creatively. Looking at the projects I've made over the past year, so many things have changed. Things that I thought I loved doing aren't so much fun anymore. Projects that I never envisioned myself having the patience for are suddenly not so bad. I feel more confident in my creativity now. There will be some changes around here in regards to this, but I'll leave that for a future post.

Where I am now.

Today I just want to celebrate by thanking everyone who stops by to visit me here. Everyone who follows or subscribes to my blog. Everyone who has taken the time to comment on one of my posts. Everyone who has asked me to be a guest on their blog. Everyone who has featured one of my projects. I am overwhelmed by the love and support that I receive from people every day, and I thank you all from the bottom of my heart.

I want to thank the people who have supported me day in and day out for most of this ride... Amy, Amy, Andi, Carol, Chris, Jess, Kindra, KJ, Kristin, Lorene, Michele, and Sarah. You ladies inspire me and make me a better blogger/crafter/person. Thank you for being the wonderful friends that you are. Amy, I don't think I'd still be doing this if it weren't for you :) For listening, giving me advice, telling me when I'm crazy, letting me bounce ideas off of you, and making me laugh... I can't thank you enough. And a thank you to Anna for inspiring me, for encouraging me, and for challenging me to be a better sewist.

Finally, I would like to thank my family for giving me the time and space to do what I love to do. They know how important this is to me, and I hope they know how much I appreciate that.

So, here's to the next year. I look forward to continuing the journey with all of you.


  1. Happy Anniversary! :0)

    Madison xxx

  2. Congrats on your one year anniversary Gwen!

  3. Happy Blogaversary! I, for one, am thrilled that you persevered! I enjoy your posts very much--in fact, now that my DGD is almost a year old, I am looking forward to making her one of the little dolls that first drew me to your blog! I also loved the pink polka-dot pillow and oh, a whole buncha stuff! Keep up the good work!

  4. Happy Blogoversary!! I've really enjoyed following your blog Here's to many more posts to come!!!

  5. Congratulations on your first year Gwen. I always knew how creative you were. Love, Mom

  6. Congratulations on your one year anniversary!

  7. You are an inspiration to us. Your creativity shines through your blog. I enjoy your ideas and you have great talent.

  8. Congratulations! Happy one year anniversary! Your blog is one of my favorites. Keep it coming! :)

  9. Your journey has been nothing short of inspiring. I remember when you and I were the only ones reading our blogs :) I liked you from the moment I read your first email to me. I have enjoyed your blog and cherish your friendship. I can honestly say I have loved ever single one of your projects, and I can't say that for many blogs I follow. Here's to another awesome year! Happy blogiversary!

  10. What a lovely post! I am glad I 'met' you, even though it has not been that long yet. But, you have already inspired me in many ways. Thank you Gwen, for your wonderful blog and sharing it with us (o:

  11. Congratulations on one year. You have some awesome and creative ideas to share. It will be fun getting to know you better.

  12. I'm not really sure how to fit all that I feel about you into one comment. Your dedication and all the effort you put into your blog shows!! You amaze and inspire me EVERY DAY! You are a good friend- loyal, caring and sincere. You ooze talent (yes OOZE). I am thrilled to have met you and April can't get here soon enough in my opinion. Happy one year anniversary- looking forward to many more.

  13. I am so glad you started blogging. I love what you make and what it makes you. Thank you for sharing your talents and kindness. Thank you for being brave with me and the sew-along. Thank you for all your support and friendship!

  14. Congrats Gwen! Here's to many more blogiversaries and wonderful projects!

  15. Congratulations on your 1st year of blogging... love your post... everything you said is true about what blogging your creative life and how it helps you. Plus, the blogging community is one fab bunch o' folks... so encouraging and supportive!

  16. Congrats!! Keep doing what you do, I know I always enjoy reading your posts and being inspired by you :)

  17. Happy anniversary Gwen! Just keep doing what you love the most!

  18. Congrats on one year! I've enjoyed reading your blog, thanks for sharing your creativity with us. :)

  19. COngrats on one year Gwen! It's been fabulous getting to know you and of course, seeing all your darling projects! Here's to many more!

  20. Luv ya bunches Gwen , congrats my friend...xo

  21. Absolutely love you blog! It is always nice seeing comments from you. Congratulations on a wonderful year! Kristin

  22. Happy blogiversary! I truly had no idea that you were a (relative) newbie... by the time I came on board, you were (and still are) blogging like the pro that you are! You are a fantastic blogger and friend and I'm glad we "met" those many moons ago :) Can't wait to see where you go from here!

  23. Happy blogiversary and many, many more!

  24. Happy Anniversary Gwen!! I love this post. You have inspired many people and you are such a sweet blogger. I thank you for your Christmas series and you and Chris for putting together that amazing Portfolio sew-a-long.
    Now go blow out that candle on the Hello Kitty birthday cake!!!

  25. And thanks to you for so many fun projects and inspiration!

  26. Congrats! I enjoy reading your blog via my Reader. I don't click through often, but I'm here enjoying it!

  27. Congratulations on your first year Gwen, good friend! It has been an honour to get to know you and be around for most of this time. I started my blog at the end of August so we have both been on this journey pretty much from the beginning..both learning. You have accomplished so much in this short time and what's more important, you're a kind, generous and inspirational person!

  28. Wow, amazing what a person can get accomplished in one year! Your blog is so lovely Gwen, just like its creator, and I learn something every time I come here. I so admire your handiwork but also the sweet voice with which you tell your story!

    Congratulations on ONE YEAR (crazy how quickly time goes by, eh?)! Here's to a ton more!!!



  29. Happy Anniversary on your blog. I have enjoyed reading your blog and seeing what you are working on at any given time. Your creativity is wonderful and it is terrific that your creativity has grown so much over the past year. When we look back on our projects it is amazing how much we can accomplish.

    Well done!

  30. Happy Blogaversary! Thank you for chering your fantastic ideias and I can only wish you the best so that a year from today I can be here giving you congratulations again. This post like other's you have done is truly a inspiration :)
    SóniAS - Portugal

  31. Congratulations! I have a tendency to read my blogs on my phone which makes it hard to comment, but I wanted to come back and wish ya luck for another great year!

  32. Congratulations on your blogiversary! Since I just found you, I am happy you've stuck it out and look forward to reading what the future brings your way Gwen. :)


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