Ready for the second follower appreciation giveaway? It's a good one :) Remember that Dritz teapot pin cushion I gave away last spring? The one that you all went crazy for? Well, I found another one!
The pin cushion is about 4" tall and 5.5" wide. Did you know that it opens up, too?
So cute! I love the colors on this one. Here's the info on how you can enter for a chance to get your hands on it...
This giveaway is now CLOSED.
Make sure you either leave an email address in your comment or that your email is attached to your Blogger profile. If I don't have a way to get in touch with you, I will choose another winner. This giveaway will be open until 11:59pm (EST) on Saturday, November 19th. The winner will be chosen using a random number generator. I will announce the winner on Monday, November 21st, and they will have until Wednesday, November 23rd at 7:00am (EST) to respond before I choose another winner.
Thanks for entering, and good luck everyone! Make sure you didn't miss any of the other giveaways this week:

My favourite drink is Macchiato. I love it very milky! Thanks for another lovely give away!
I'm not keen on tea or coffee either. Unless I'm feeling like I've got a cold coming in which case it's tea and toast all the way. British tea of course dahling!
Otherwise it's hot chocolate with marshmallows in the top. I would have thought the marshmallows were a given but apparently other people don't see them as quite so necessary as I do....weird!
I do not drink coffee or tea either. I LOVE hot apple cider tho - the mott's caramel flavor is the best, mmmmmmm :)
Love that teapot!
I drink mainly hot chocolate, but I can also drink tea.
Good old Red Rose Tea is my fav. Thanks.
Such an adorable puffy teapot. I do enjoy a cup of tea, especially rooibos. Wonderful giveaway!
COFFEE!! Then soy lattes, which really, just another kind of COFFEE! But hot cocoa is a pretty yummy runner up! :) THanks for the great giveaway!
My favorite hot drink is hot chocolate too. I've tried to be a coffee drinker but it really doesn't work. I do so love hot chocolate.
Thanks for the chance to win this adorable pincushion Gwen!
What and adorable pincushion .. and it would look fabulous next to my coffeecup catchall. I'm a coffee drinker .. blank no sugar but I still like tea in the afternoons
My newest morning coffee with Coffee Mate Pumpkin Spice creamer....oh, my...heavenly!!! HOPE to win this cute little tea pot!!!
Coffee, for sure...but coffee with fancy creamer and chocolate and whipped cream on top. I can't stand the stuff black.
Thanks for the chance!
Coffee with honey and cream is my morning favorite. Some afternoons I go with a cup of tea. This is my first time to see the teapot pin cushion - too cute. Thanks for the chance to win. Have a great day.
Don't get often, but my favorite hot drink has to be Starbuck's salted caramel hot chocolate. Yummy!
Thanks for the giveaway.
I am a tea lover, just returned from UK and had Yorshire Tea from Harrogate in my suitcase.
This is tooooo cute I love it :) My fav is hot chocolate, I don't do coffee or tea either. Thanks for sharing!
My favorite hot beverage is also hot chocolate. You can't beat a steaming hot cup of cocoa on a cold morning.
Thanks for the chance to win this.
Iced Mocha from Starbucks is my favorite. I can get a bunch of sewing done after having one of those! Thanks for the chance to win!
My favorite is coffee with chocolate.
My favorite is definitely coffee!! starbucks preferably!:)
How cute! My favorite drink is coffee (french vanilla please) !
My favorite hot drink is Hot cocoa with marshmellows and whipped cream
I like a big pot of Qi tea in the mornings. Love this little tea pot!
I forgot to say that I enjoy a mug of hot coffee each morning.
Love the teapot- I am a tea drinker and a follower. Thanks
Black (and strong) coffee is my favorite. Thanks for the chance; it's such a cute pincushion!
ap_lemos at yahoo dot com
How adorable!!!
My favorite hot beverage is a tie--it's either my morning coffee or my bedtime tea. I neeeeeeed both :)
I like my sugar with coffee and cream....I'll also drink it with a rooibois tea or french vanilla cappuchino.
Super cute pin cushion!
I love everything Tea! I am given all types of flavored teas but my favorite is good old Lipton.
coffe (expresso) in the morning, tea (earl grey) in the afternoon. without milk in both cases....
love this tea pot, please, take me into account if it is an nternational give-away
That is just the cutest!
Given that I'm a chocoholic, its amazing that hot chocolate isn't my favorite hot drink but I actually love herbal teas. Jasmine tea is a perennial favorite, and at the moment I'm enjoying a mix I made of rosehip, peppermint and hibiscus.
Thanks for the giveaway!
Fav hot Black. Or with a bit of cream once in a while. Mmmmmmm.
I follow your blog in my Google reader -- love it! My favorite hot beverage is Tea, Earl Grey, Hot. Jean Luc Picard (Star Trek) is man after my own heart. :)
I'm a huge hot chocolate fan too!
What a darling pincushion! Thanks for this great giveaway! My favorite beverage is green tea!
Linda Harbin - MidwestieLady
i would have to say hot chocolate with french vanilla creamer and a candy cane to stir. Yum!
Love, love, love the teapot!
Hot chocolate all the way! I don't drink coffee or tea either, and I don't really like any other warm drinks, like apple cider. Hot chocolate with a good dollop of whipped cream is heaven in a mug :)
I love this pin cushion and was floored with the secret compartment - too cool! My favorite beverage is Earl Gray tea!!
I'm a follower and I only drink coffee - black, no sugar please!!
My favorite hot drink is Celestial Seasonings Honey Vanilla Chamomile's wonderful, and so soothing.
Thanks for this great giveaway....this teapot is adorable!
My favorite ht drink is cappuccino with a little bit cinnamon... I love it! And I wanna win this pin cushion! xoxo
This is so cute, I think I'd have to retire my old standby--the mushroom pincushion! I love that it opens up. :) Following
OMG its adorable! My favorite hot drink is the one I am sipping right now. Pumpkin spice coffee with just a smidgen of vanilla creamer. Yum!
Such a cute pincushion! I'm not much of a hot beverage person...but I do enjoy a cup of hot chocolate in the winter after coming in from playing in the snow with the kiddos
LOVE it!!! So adorable! My fav drink is Hot Chocolate with mini marshmallows, candy cane pieces and a few chocolate chips! I know...sugar addict, but it's the best!
katieswensen (at) gmail (dot) com
I drink a lot of tea in the autumn and winter throughout the day, but morning is always time for coffee.
Just an embarrassment of riches for the potential winning, here. What a nice thing for you to do.
I drink any and all hot beverages (I joke that it keeps me from hittin' the hard stuff!). Nothing beats a cuppa joe in those a.m. times when you have a slow start to the day. What an adorable teapot. I follow through google reader feed and I really like that you post your full blog entry there - it is easier than having to click through (which I tend not to do)
That is the cutest pincushion! My favourite everyday hot drink is coffee but this is the season for mulled wine so I might chose that on occasion! :)
That is a darling pin cushion! My favorite hot drink is hot chocolate too.
Oh I just love that pin cushion, I wish I had the pattern for that one. But I like to drink hot tea, hot chocolate, hot apple cider or cappuccino. Depends on the mood I am in.
So dang cute! Love the pin cushion and your blog! I must say I'm not lovin' hot drinks but hot chocolate with butterscotch liquior is so yummy!
Love it! I'm a huge hot tea drinker. Anything from chai to early grey!!!!!
What an adorable pin cushion! I love flavored coffee (french vanilla or hazelnut usually). I'm a follower! Thanks for a chance to win! :)
Does lightening ever strike in the same place twice? (ha, ha) Funny seeing about last Spring's win, my change purse is going in the wash today and the tissue holder getting refilled.
I follow and love coffee. Just plain black coffee :) thanks for the lovely giveaway!
I drink hot tea and like the vanilla flavored tea. The pincushion matches me.
Hey I don't drink coffee either and only herbal teas (sometimes). Like you, my favourite is hot chocolate!
Such a beauteous teapot! I think I see my name on it... :)
My favorite hot drink is either apple cider or lately coffee with flavored creamer.
I don't drink any other hot drink besides hot chocolate...which makes me want some right now...mmm.
I LOVE LOVE LOVE Hot Chai Lattes!
jessicarwarfield at gmail dot com
I love or cold! I'm a follower.
i love myself a home brewed chai tea... gotta love those spices! I also love hot choc!!
I love coffee mixed with hot chocolate.
I love tea. All sorts of tea, doesn't matter. Thank you!
My favorite hot beverage is pumpkin spice coffee!
My favorite beverage is hot chocolate too. Thanks for a chance to win. esterling1923 at gmail dot com. I am a follower under bimbi9 at verizon dot net.
I might not be very original here, but I HAVE to have my coffee in the morning. I used to drink it black, until I had my 2nd daughter. After I had her and I started to drink it again, I couldn't stand it plain, so now I have cream and sugar!!
I used to love black tea, but suddenly, one day, I woke up a coffee drinker! I love flavoured coffee the most
So sweet! What a great find and then to think you are giving it away ...
I drink tea the whole day. Black tea, Fair Trade Darjeling First Flush and in the evening herbal.
When I am away from home, I really miss my tea!!
Honey Citron Green TEA
LOVE IT, I get citron honey tea and add 1 or 2 green tea bags and go to my happy place.
Favorite hot drink - well the one I drink most is coffee everyday, but hot cocoa with marshmellows and a peppermint is probably my favorite.
I love hot chocolate & Nescafe :D
Thanks for the cute giveaway!
I follow and my favorite hot beverage is a fruit flavored tea
Cranberry herbal tea is nice but I guess just black tea is the one I drink most frequently with milk and half a teaspoon of sugar. Can I put offer you some?
This is absolutely darling!!! My favorite hot drink is also hot cocoa.
Hmm.. this is hard.
Coffee on an everyday basis,
but I LOVE hot chocolate and apple cider around Christmas time!
I love salted caramel hot chocolate.
I love peppermint hot chocolate, it's so christmassy!
Love hot chocolate - love this pincushion.
My favorite hot beverage is coffee....I drink it from the time I wake up until I go to bed. Thanks!
Oh my goodness! that is so adorable! I would love to win it! Thank you! I love to drink hot apple cider with a touch of cinnamon and sugar!
My favorite has to be hot chocolate! Yum!
love me some dark hot coffee!
kstaberow at yahoo dot com
Definitely COFFEE! And I've missed it so much this last pregnancy and while nursing my twins! :( Thanks for the chance to win!
I don't drink coffee but I love tea and drink several cups a day.
I am so so so addicted to coffee that my husband sometimes brings me a fresh cup and leaves it on the nightstand....just so I can wake up enough to get out of bed. Yea, it's that bad. Love the teapot pincushion, reminds me of Mary Englebright - love her designs.
Hot Chocolate is my all time favorite hot beverage, but I also love tea and coffee.
Pumpkin spice coffee! After that, hot apple cider.
I love the little teapot! Pick me! I cannot tell a lie -- I have coffee every day so that must be my favorite hot drink, which makes me sound really boring!
This is soooo cute! My fave drink is a special drink similar to wassail we make in my family during the holidays we like to call hot fruit punch. It's amazing.
My Favorite is Hot Dark Chocolate with a Peppermint Stick in it. This is the cutest Pin Cushion I have ever seen!! Thank~You!!
Huggs, Nancy
I follow by GFC and by email
I'm a follower and I loves green tea :)
I am a follower and my favorite drink is Dark Chocolate hot cocoa from Caribou Coffee. Yummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
It's a toss up between blueberry flavored tea and any chocolate flavored coffee.
sleepyheadedmom at gmail dot com
Aussies' have this amazing chocolate drink called milo. You can have it with hot or cold milk and it's got a lot of vitamins and minerals in it so not only is it tasty, but it's healthy too.
I'm a follower and I'm addicted to coffee.
my favorite hot drink is a caramel white mocha! mmmm
I love hot chocolate! And frozen hot chocolate in the summer. So good!
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